Monday, January 25, 2010

Fantastic Things

SO... the picture a day thing...hasn't really worked out so well. I love taking pictures, and when I do, I'm sure it makes up for lost time. Instead I've been super busy. Work....School started again, and trying to get a consistent workout schedule going. Oh my gosh have I missed working out. It's so fantastic! Sweating, your legs feeling like they are going to collapse under neath you. Your abs hurting so bad you think you are going to throw much better can it get...especially when I think of once I get all skinny and toned again and can fit into jeans from 3+ years ago! oh the joy!

so instead of daily picture taking, I have decided to start tracking my doings everyday. I made a fantastic Excel spreadsheet, (I have an obsession with spreadsheet making) and am documenting what I am doing, the task, the start and end time, I have a column that then figures out how much time was spent on that activity. Maybe this way I can be more productive, and realize what stupid pointless things I spend my time on. Plus, I have people I'm sending it to. No one wants to admit that they facebook stalked for 2 hours.... :)


  1. Cute blog sweetie! Looks just like you! Thanks for letting me know about your blog. I like your profile picture. You may have your spread sheets, however it is a good thing to see how one uses their time. Perhaps as bad as I hate it, I should do the same. Love you...Mom

  2. Thanks mom, the pic is kinda old, but that's ok! lol, love you too!
